"Pure Rose Essential Oil" by GloryBeHerbals
Below is a team treasury featuring several members of the Etsy Natural Healers Guild created by the gorgeous blooming rose Team Leader (and my beautiful twin sister) Andrea of Storybook Artifact! This guild member treasury is titled "Roses Bloom Before Frost".
Thank your Andrea for featuring one of my newest shop listings, my "Vintage 60's Honeysuckle Pink Newport Stripes Scarf" in this enchantingly romantic team treasury!!! By the way team members, "honeysuckle pink" is one of the hot color trends of the season...it is mentioned in this month's Etsy Merchandising Desk on the Etsy Blog...you might just want to feature this popular color in your next team treasury like Andrea of Storybook Artifact did in this team treasury, to increase your chances of getting your team treasury on Etsy FRONT PAGE!!! ;-)
This blog article was created by the Team Captain of the Etsy Natural Healers Guild Jessica of Eco-Friendly Freckles.

Thank you for the warm welcome! I am so excited to be a part of this team. We have so many talented healers, it's an honor to be a part of it all.